Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cutting the Christmas Tree

Amanda and Andrew came up today to join us in a tradition we have had since we were married...cutting the Christmas Tree.
Its hard to see here, but we were busting drifts that were over the bumper...we made it 2 miles in and decided to turn around and try another area....we are backing out here.

This was as far as we could make it safely, so it was off to a new spot!
Amanda, Andrew and Carson were having fun in the back seat...well Carson and Andrew were at Amandas expense :-)

Ahhh Carson LOVES his sis

Carson stole Amandas glasses...what a goof! LOL!!!

We drove up about 3/4 of a mile off the main road (that was more of a snow machine track than a road with all the snow) until we couldnt go any more without chains.

Then we walked up the rest of the way....someone else with chains had broke the trail for us.

It was sure a nice day and @ 21 degrees it wasnt to cold hehehe!

Dan was looking for that perfect tree..Boy am I glad we bought him his new snow boots!

He found it and with Carson they cut it down.

Carson did well cutting it down.
Andrew was wishing for the huge tree.....

But settled for the 10 footer....

The boys drug out the Browns and Burrs trees....

The search was on now for Maureens tree.

Carson was our sawyer....

Maureens tree was the one to Andrews right...but we all wished for the monster tree...LOL :-)

My wonderful handsome sweety! Hi DAN!!!

 Tree drag Marks
Amanda and Andrew broke a new trail out of the Aspen grove.

 Back at the truck Dan and Carson loaded our tree and then the other two.
Amanda and Andrew.....
 Me and my girl
Carson took this shot before we loaded up to head back.
I snuck this shot of my sweety...hehehe!!

Now the freaky ride out...yeah we were dragging bottom and pushing snow with the bumper...
Carson snuggled up and was out before we hit the snow machine tracks HEHEHE!
Now we get to put the tree up tomorrow, and start to have the Christmas feeling....
Yeah the work begins LOL!!
dont for get to feed the fish before you go...... til next time see ya!!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was six hours in the making but tasted sooo good it was worth the wait.
Dan made the gravy...yummmmmm!

MMMM ahhhh graaavvyy!
Dan making up the mashed potatoes....I was kicked out of the kitchen hehehehe

Carson got to help with the mashed potatoes.....
He licked the beaters LOL!!!

I started to set the was the "maiden" meal for my new dinning set :-)

The turkey was juicy and heavenly!!
Carson and Dan spent most of the day doing homework and watching TV...We all played Stratego too.

Gunny kept on trying to get a snack...just hoping something, anything would fall on the floor.
But ultimately....Gunny was being picked on...all that food and none for the puppy...

Finally its time to eat...what a spread! and only for three people :), well,  two adults, and a teen age boy LOL!!!

I ran out of room on the table so I used the empty spots in the hutch to set stuff in.
Carson had to have a leg..he remembered Grandpa Bangerter always eat the leg, and this last summer he got hooked on them during the Oyster Grass Festival.

UUMMM Turkey leg

"Stuffed" roll

Hey Amanda! Chip dip!!!!
Its not Thanksgiving without it.

Carson got so full he forgot how to use his fork....he temporally thought he was a dog to eat his fruit salad...oh no he said "hes eating like a little piggy" ya know from A Christmas Story??? LOL Goofy boy!

Gunny was waiting for his "cut"
The after dinner mess...ugh! now I get to clean it up......

Gunny finally got HIS Thanksgiving supper, and I cleaned up the mess.

Tootsie and Gunny shared the cookie sheet the turkey got cut up on. I know its not good..but a little juice wont hurt them...yeah we spoil the animals.

 The kitchen is finally looking cleaner....
The first of two loads of dishes is in the dishwasher and.........
The table is cleaned was sure nice to sit at our own table, and one WE BOTH wanted.....

Now to let the meal settle, and watch a little Simpsons, and Big Bang Theory, and.....

Hide under the quilt and take a nap before we cut the pie.....ahhh pumpkin and blueberry......
We hope you all had a wonderful and safe day, made great memories and had plenty to eat.
Enjoy!! God Bless! and Gobble!! Gobble!!