Friday, September 27, 2013

Adventures in Tonopah

Its been a long time seince my last entry here....sorry. Hopefullly we are back up and running now.

Race Car in the Vegas to Reno Off road  Race in August... Carson took the pics.

Another car

This is the "Monster" drink car and its chopper....Carson got a great shot here!

We also had a couple of Emergency Drought Gathers in the office. The horses were in trouble. Even though this shows feed, its in the holding area not the range.

Sorry this one decided to get al "sideways" on me LOL more starving horses

Carson caught the helicopter as it took off at sunrise day one of the gathers.

A group of 7 horses the first of 140 that were trapped and taken to holding in CA and UT

I went to get my field pack and found I had a "friend"

Carson, Dan and I named him "George" and no, we didn't hug him, but we loved him LOL!!

Before Carson left we went on a desert drive and found wild Burros.... 13 to be exact :)

The tall trees in the background are all around the south end of the field office...they are Joshua Trees

I have others on my phone, but my email is not cooperating, so I will get more of the move, and other weekend adventures as soon as I can.
Hope you enjoyed the few I did get so far!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Dans Birthday Adventures

For Dan's Birthday, I wanted to give him some fun memories before we take off to NV. We started with Craters of the Moon....
 to us in the town of Arco ID on the way to Craters of the Moon.
 Here are some cool shots from Craters...... Enjoy the volcanic moon scape :-)

 Dan saw these and really wanted to barrow one and put it out on the lava flow and have his picture taken LOL!!
 This is a really cool restoration project. The Park collected native seed and had a nursery grow them, and now they are replanted and protected while they settle back in where they needed them from some construction activities about a year ago.

Then it was off to Bear World in Rexburg ID

 Auto Tour....some pics are cloudy because we were suppose to keep the windows up......

 This little Elk calf has pink eyes :)
 This one is just a lighter morph

 This is Daddy :-)

 To do this is $25.00 a person, they stop in the Elk and Bison and feed hay cubes, then five stops for the bears and feed bread. We will do this next time :-)

 This bear smelled something he liked, and even it bit the bike tire on the back of the motor home LOL

 There is the bike he tasted
 Its really hard to see but this is our truck and hes checking it out too....
 He them wouldn't let this car go. The handler had to go help, he wanted to go home with them LOL
 My favorite! The cubs :)
 Oliver and Duke


 The bear dens that are all over the park

 Another Wolf

NEXT STOP the petting Zoo....
 Dan's first stop the chickens, and to check out the eggs
 He still wants a goat too....
 This little buck was looking for the salt on our skin...he also liked to chew on shirts :)

 The BEST PART OF ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was Dans main gift, getting to feed the cubs.
 This is Oliver (the one I fed and Duke the one Dan got to feed)...we actually each fed four cubs each, these were the best pics and were included in the cost of feeding the little guys.
 I LOVE that grin, he is having a great time :)

We made it home, Carson had a good time at Track Camp, and Dan and I had a wonderful vacation for his birthday. The movers come on the 22nd of July, we will be in Tonopah NV by the evening of the 26th, and then new adventures....I hope to have Internet up soon and catch up the blog.

Till then!!!! be safe and keep cool....