Saturday, March 23, 2013


We get the "pleasure" of moving. The bank decided that they didn't want to work with us to stay, so we will be moving a few blocks east into one of the historic Kemmerer buildings. However, we will be in a smaller 2 bedroom upstairs apt. no washer or dryer or dishwasher. I have been spoiled by the dishwasher, but the other thing will be crazy! we have done it before, but I hate it! but this will only be for 3 to 6 weeks. I can do that :).
 We have been working on packing for the past couple of weekends, and it seems crazy here The mess is driving me crazy, but its not over yet.

 This is from the top of the stairs looking to the basement...yeah the whol place looks like that.
 Whne we moved to Kemmerer the moving CO said we had almost 10,000 lbs of stuff, and we have accrued even more seince our arrival in 2010....We really need a good yard sale in June. LOL!!
Happy Spring!!